Live for the intangible

“It’s the little things in life that mean the most”, “Money can’t buy you happiness” — we’ve all heard the cliches. We’ve read the quotes. But do we believe them? Do we live by them? Or do we get bogged down by the big things in life that do seem to mean a lot, and the money that buys things that do seem to make us smile?

It’s hard not to get wrapped up in material things. We live in a society that defines status by how much stuff we acquire. Driving a nice car alludes to success, living in a big house assumes a happy family lives inside, and fancy clothes are correlated with power and confidence. But at the end of the day — what is any of it good for? You can ride a bike to work, live in a tiny apartment, and wear hand-me-down clothes and still have the personality, intellect, and compassion as any CEO of a major corporation.

This may sound mawkish and sentimental, but it’s all true. You are not defined by what you do, what you wear, what you drive, or where you live. When your life comes to its end, would you rather have someone say, “Wow, she was an excellent accountant” or “Wow, she had such passion for life and brought sunshine into every room that she walked into”. Call me crazy, but the choice seems rather obvious.

Yes, live a life that suits you, drive a car that won’t break down every other week, and work at a job that provides you with a respectable standard of living. In today’s society, there are things you need to strive toward in order to survive. But do not for a single moment think that these are the things that define you. You are your character: your charisma, passion, energy, affection, respect, dignity, laughter, and love. These are the things that are too often overlooked, but in the end, mean absolutely everything.

6 thoughts on “Live for the intangible

  1. “You are your character: your charisma, passion, energy, affection, respect, dignity, laughter, and love. These are the things that are too often overlooked, but in the end, mean absolutely everything.”

    Oh, you tell them Carrie Bradshaw. No, really though. If you ever fail at getting a job, you should just be a blogger and write tons of books. I’ll be your assistant.


  2. You’re such a bitch. Grow up. Would you rather be remembered as an excellent accountant who worked their ass off to get where they are and have a real future ahead of them or as a cheerleader? This is a tough one. Seriously, stop with the passive aggressive bull shit. They get it. Everyone gets it. You hate her and are showing it through passive aggressive tweets, statuses, and blogs. You will be remembered as ridiculously passive aggressive girl and with a fake glow about her, as she pretends to not be angry and upset. Good for you. Own it.


    1. I’m so sorry that you feel the way you do. I merely chose a profession that was different than my own to avoid redundancy or an obvious bias. I am quite the opposite of passive aggressive, as I confront individuals who I have concerns about. My tweets, statuses, and blog posts are nothing more than an insight to the lessons I’ve learned along the way. There’s nothing fake about what I choose to publish online, in any forum, so I will continue to own it 🙂 Thanks for the anonymous comment. I hope you’ll keep reading future posts.


  3. In any case, I’m sure she’d rather be known as a cheerleader instead of someone who posts rude anonymous posts on someone’s blog (especially posting under “someone who hates high school b.s.”- ironic, since you’re being the epitome of high school b.s. with that comment). A blog where she has every right to state her own opinion whether it be how she feels about life, a situation that has nothing to do with you, or what she ate for lunch. Do you feel better about posting that anonymous post? Do you feel like you actually made an impact on anyone’s life, aside from the half hour I’m sure you wasted trying to think of something good to say? Good for you. Own it.


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